I do not recommend reading the entire list, but a light skim may be intriguing.
Performed "elevation" tests on physical devices (iPhone and Android), gathered data, and set
time to perform another round of tests.
Maintained a pre-alpha dependency of our project (SurveyKit Flutter package).
Implemented "DrillEvent" model
Implemented "DrillEvent.example()" constructor with example data
Switched source of Pre- and Post-DrillSurveys to DrillEvent.example()
Implemented "Confirm Drill Details" page [fig. 1]
Implemented "During Drill" page while pair-coding with Jasmine [fig. 2]
Implemented Navigator with basic app flow
Made choice with Jasmine to not use "bloc" for state management
Met with Project Partners and provided update on current status of the app
Requested and gained permission to set up shared Google credentials for the project in order to
be ready to start spinning up the cloud databases
Helped Dean setup development environment
Performed test of elevation on iOS and Android, making initial confirmation of consistently
lower elevation output on Android and consistently correct elevation output on iOS [fig. 3,
courtesy of Dean]
Based on excellent feedback from Jasmine, tested Strava on my dev Android device to confirm the
elevation offset issue we are facing can be coded away. See the screenshot of the correct
elevation at my house (from Strava, ~100 m) vs incorrect elevation at the beach (from our
prototype, ~ -30 m)
Ran into a wall when setting up the cloud with the group, and emailed our project partner
requesting they meet with us to enter payment details for the cloud
When we did not receive a response for several days, explored an alternative: Using Firebase as
an in route to Google Firestore (the initial service we wanted to use, but with Firebase there
is a free tier that does not require payment details to be input)
Did the extensive development setup/integration for Firebase with the group
Got an example of passing data using the Firebase Firestore working
Implemented the communications from the app to the cloud
Populated the "DrillEvent" object with data from the cloud
Completed the "Distribute" and "Instruction" aspects of the Midpoint Project Archive
Emailed the completed Midpoint Project Archive to the project partners
Got a more illustrative demo of the cloud working in the app
Met with the project partners to present progress and instructed primary project partner on how
to add payment details to the Firebase.
Implemented the DrillResults model, along with methods to parse SurveyKit SurveyResults objects
into JSON
Worked with Jasmine to get her dev environment back up and running after breaking changes.
Implemented the LocationTracker class which streams location data to the local SQLite database
during the drill and then calls the previously implemented "CreateGpx" class to, well, create a
gpx file.
Implemented an Asymmetric KeyGen and Asymmetric Block Cipher based on RSA, Fortuna, and AES
using the pointy_castle dart package to encrypt files before cloud upload and decrypt after
cloud download.
Integrated the location tracking functionality into the BasicDrillPresenter to run while a
participant is viewing the "DuringDrill" page. (**This implementation is fragile due to lack of
Created Cloud Storage directory for DrillResults in Firebase (will be sorted by DrillEvent.id
subdirectories, then user.id sub-subdirectories).
Implemented upload of encrypted results from participant app to Cloud Storage in Firebase.
(**This implementation is fragile due to lack of negotiation with Cloud/server for unique user
Implemented unique user id negotiation on DrillConfirm participant action.
Found the easiest way to bulk export DrillResults, which turned out to be using Google Cloud
Functions to access our Cloud Storage, then calling the cloud function via https, using a
message signature to validate the identity of researchers
Ensured RSA message signing is interoperable between current Dart codebase & new JS Cloud
Function codebase
Initialized Cloud Functions for our Firebase project
Wrote a Cloud Function which verifies a DrillEvent Firebase Document ID is signed by an
authorized researcher, and if so collects all the (encrypted) results that participant have
uploaded to Cloud Firestore from the mobile app, zips these result files, and returns the zipped
archive as a download.
Hooked the above Cloud Function into a development (not production) https endpoint
Initialized the Flutter Researcher Console, now that we are sure we can access our Firebase data
via https calls to our serverless backend (Cloud Functions)
Created an initial page for the Researcher Console which accepts a DrillEvent Firebase Document
ID and a downloads location on the local machine.
Implemented a function in the Researcher Console which signs the input ID using the relevant
hardcoded private key, obtains the zipped archive of encoded result files via an https request
to the Cloud Function endpoint, unzips the archive, decrypts and parses the files contained in
the archive, and saves the resultant csv table and gpx files to the indicated downloads location
on the local machine.
Collected about a dozen "trajectories" using both Strava and our Evac. App (on both iOS and
Android devices) to compare/contrast our new toolchain to the one previously use by our Project
Downloaded and decrypted all results
Installed a VS Code extension which allowed me to view the "trajectories" within the IDE,
superseding Dean's task in issue #91 of generating .jpg files from all .gpx files.
Compiled Android app to Emulator, resolving any errors which crop up
Uploaded all .gpx "trajectory" results to Shared Google Drive
Analyze the results of the "trajectories", making initial screenshots and graphs
Determined that offsetting the Android elevation likely will be worthless due to significant
noise in data
Began documentation of recommended feature additions for future teams working with this project
Registered for Expo (In-Person & virtual)
Worked with Jasmine on reflow of app (see her post for primary things) (previously named
"DrillTaskMenu" in sprint plan)
Code Review Dean's work with package progress_indicator_button on invite_code_page.dart
Analyzed the results of location data gathering to:
Generate 3 distinct conclusions:
Need an “Acquiring GPS Signal” Feature, like Strava’s
Android output noisier data than iPhone, regardless of app
Strava queries an API for elevation data, not the device sensor
Generate slide deck based on results, visuals, and conclusions
Presented results and conclusions to Project Partners with group
Implemented new admin cloud endpoint which allows for the remote creation and upload of
DrillEvents in Firestore, with unique (to system) 6 digit invite code generated and returned
from endpoint.
Completed "Wave swipe" animation to change screens at beginning of app flow
Made a breakthrough on developing our Cloud Security:
We only need to `read` from Firestore for the DrillEvent details
We only need to `write` from Cloud Storage to upload results
If only one or the other is active on a given service, a malicious actor cannot use it
as free storage space (this was my main concern)
Everything else is backend with admin permissions, so front facing security rules don't
Implemented the above restrictions as rules, meaning that our cloud services are no longer at
risk of unauthorized use (it would serve no purpose) and can therefore remain live at all times.
All data is public, not an issue if someone does read. They would need our private API keys
Had the opportunity to learn more about Cloud Security when I realized we actually do have a
`write` call to Firestore. It's for a future feature (indicating to researchers that a given
participant is ready for drill to begin)
Implemented an exception to the Firestore rule for `participants` sub-collections to
`DrillEvents` documents, allowing for specific `write`s to be performed
Redefined overall data structure of the app to incorporate Tasks Page
DrillResult is now DrillResults
has a list of TaskResults (see below)
DrillEvent is now DrillDetails
has a list of DrillTasks
DrillTasks model class is defined
has enumerated DrillTaskType
has TaskDetails child
TaskDetails model class extended for each DrillTaskType
TaskResult model class extended for each DrillTaskType
has Function builder which adds TaskResult to DrillResults
TaskDisplay Widget created for each DrillTaskType
Incorporated Waves transition into app
Completed Tasks Page
Has Oregon State brand asset icon (clipboard)
TaskButton accomplished with ExpansionTileCard per Jasmine's research
has Function builders for TaskButton `onTap()`s for each DrillTaskType
Jasmine's refreshed InviteCodePage incorporated into app
Created presentation for NSF SCC focused research group meeting
Presented app to NSF SCC focused research group
Worked to finish transcript for project demo video
Recorded, edited, uploaded projet demo video
Added logo to InviteCodePage
Code Reviewed Dean's recent Pull Requests
Incorporated his AboutDialog into refreshed InviteCodePage, under new logo
Incorporated his ProgressIndicatorButton into refreshed InviteCodePage
Added Oregon State University logo (svg) to AboutDialog
Added `onTap()` to InviteCodePage which removes focus from invite code entry box, thereby
dismissing keyboard
Changed keyboard back to numpad (on iOS doesn't have "done" dismiss keyboard button, so had
switched to full keyboard to alleviate user frustration)
Rerecorded and uploaded video with above changes to app walkthrough
Completed Virtual Expo Website
Nearly completed project poster, working on final visuals for bottom right picture
Created TelemetryTest DrillDetails which has only tasks which test "location tracking"
functionality (no surveys, etc.)
Performed new Telemetry Comparison Test at beach: Torrey Pines State Nature Reserve
Completed Project Poster with new visuals from new Telemetry Comparison Test